We give the best Services
Trust Consulting and Entrepreneurship & Services provides translation services for various languages and as per the nature of the work through a group that provides these services in a sophisticated and integrated way, and through a dedicated team and translation services that fulfill your specific needs.
We offer different levels of service depending on the purpose of the translation:
Basic Quality: A two-step process, in which it begins with the translation of the document by a professional translator with appropriate experience followed by an internal quality control to ensure consistency and completeness. This level is quite acceptable for many requirements. Our professional translators produce translations that are close to ideal.
Publication Quality: A three-step process, in which it starts with the translation by a professional translator, and then proofread it by a second freelance linguist, then internal quality control. This level is recommended for any material intended for publication, marketing, or any other purpose that requires the translation to be free from any errors.
Machine Translation and Editing Review: The text is initially handled through a machine translation program, then the translation is checked by a professional translator to ensure that the translation is fully understood. This process is the least expensive level, but the result will not be as eloquent as the translation that depends only on a professional translator. It is also not suitable for all types of materials. Consult us on your own project.
Revision Only: In case you have materials that have been translated using machine translation, we may be able, depending on the quality of that translation, to provide the revision only.
- Tel: 0097466030005
email : trustconsulting21@gmail.com